You may pay your bill by mail, online, or at any of our three offices. Night depositories are available at all three offices for after hours payments. All offices also have drive-thru windows open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET for your convenience. For more information, view our office locations.
We accept the following payment methods:
If you are interested in paying for your electric on your schedule and not on a certain date, AMPS is a great option. Enrolled members must keep a credit balance, or you will be subject for a disconnection. To learn more about the program, you can click here: AMPS Prepayment Program
To make a payment through our Automated Express Services, you can call 888-456-9876 and pick option 2. Members can pay with a credit card, debit card, or an electronic check.
The automatic payment plan is when WIN Energy REMC charges your bank account or credit/debit card automatically on your due date each month. This is a convenient way to make sure you always pay your bill on time. To learn more about the program, you can click here: Automatic Payment Plan
Do you want to continuously have the same priced bill, no matter the time of year? You might be interested in Budget Billing. The program allows you to pay the same amount each month on your electric bill for eleven months. Budget accounts are settled annually based on the enrollment month. To learn more about the Budget Billing Program, you can click here: Budget Billing Information
Cash (USD) can be taken as payment through our drive-thrus and in our offices.
Checks can be made out to WIN Energy REMC.
WIN Energy REMC accepts VISA or MasterCard. Payment can be debit or credit.
If you want a quick and easy way to pay, go online to our Pay Now feature. Just enter your account number and the name on the account. To learn more about Pay Now through SmartHub, you can click here: Pay Now through SmartHub
When paying through your SmartHub account, you can pay with a VISA or MasterCard or through your bank account. To make a payment through SmartHub, you can click here. Pay through SmartHub